MCM411 - Assignment No. 01 Introduction to Broadcasting Discuss and solutions

MCM411 - Assignment No. 01 Introduction to Broadcasting Discuss and solutions
Radio Broadcasting
Learning Objectives:
To develop the creative skills of campaign designing for electronic media
To give students an opportunity to write up for radio campaign which will increase their analytical skills
Radio is valuable tool of mass communication particularly in a developing country like Pakistan. It has been enlightening farmers on the use of various technologies to boost agricultural development in Pakistan. Our population is engaged actively in agriculture, and radio can serve as a suitable medium of broadcasting agriculture related information and latest technical knowledge.
Tasks:Keeping in view the role of radio, your task is to design a radio campaign in order to update the farmers of our country regarding new agriculture techniques and technologies.
Campaign Layout should be based on following components:
Title of the campaign
Objectives of the campaign
Target Messages (Effective messages)
Communication Strategy
Programming nature (Format of the program)
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Make and produce campaigns for electronic media.
Determine restrictions and potentials of the electronic media.
Due date December 10, 2013