Gauhar Khan defeated Tanisha And wins the Bigg Boss Season 7

Gauhar Khan defeated Tanisha And wins the Bigg Boss Season 7
There are large number of Speculation about the winner of Bigg Boss 7 but Don’t worry bring out the Confirmed News about BB7 winner.
And the winner of BB7 is…  Gauhar Khan

Yesyou heard it right. Gauhar defeated Tanisha by huge amount of Votes. Tanisha was the 1st runner-up while Ajaz Khan completes with 3rd position.
Former Bigg Boss contestants tweeted and Congratulate Gauhar for her Victory.
Payal Rohatgi wants boyfriend Sangram Singh to win Bigg Boss 7 but this is not happen. She tweets “ Sangramji is Out of the Race. He was eliminated at 4th place. Thanks for your votes.”
Later Payal Rahtogi tweets about the winner of Bigg Boss 7″GauharKhan is #BB7 Winner. She got the Maximum Votes :) .”
Kashif Qureshi Tweeted -
@kashiflion: This is the victory of each n everyone who has supported gauhar stood against the biasedness like a mountain..its ur victory guys..:))
Rahun Mahajan Tweeted
Friends I have a 100% confirm information that @GAUAHAR_KHAN is winning #BB7
So we congratulate Gauhar Khan for her victory..



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MCM411 - Assignment No. 01 Introduction to Broadcasting Discuss and solutions

MCM411 - Assignment No. 01 Introduction to Broadcasting Discuss and solutions
Radio Broadcasting
Learning Objectives:
To develop the creative skills of campaign designing for electronic media
To give students an opportunity to write up for radio campaign which will increase their analytical skills
Radio is valuable tool of mass communication particularly in a developing country like Pakistan. It has been enlightening farmers on the use of various technologies to boost agricultural development in Pakistan. Our population is engaged actively in agriculture, and radio can serve as a suitable medium of broadcasting agriculture related information and latest technical knowledge.
Tasks:Keeping in view the role of radio, your task is to design a radio campaign in order to update the farmers of our country regarding new agriculture techniques and technologies.
Campaign Layout should be based on following components:
Title of the campaign
Objectives of the campaign
Target Messages (Effective messages)
Communication Strategy
Programming nature (Format of the program)
Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to:
Make and produce campaigns for electronic media.
Determine restrictions and potentials of the electronic media.
Due date December 10, 2013


CS401 Assignment No: 2 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming

CS401 Assignment No: 2 Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming
It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:
The assignment is submitted after the due date.
The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
Strict action will be taken if submitted solution is copied from any other student or from the internet.
You should concern recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not sufficient.
You are supposed to submit your assignment in .doc format. Any other formats like scan images, PDF, zip, rar, bmp etc will not be accepted.
Question: Write a subroutine to calculate the sum of product of two series defined as:

S1: DW 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

S2: DW 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11

Provide snapshot of AFD debugger showing the final value in CX register.Rules for Marking
It should be clear that your assignment would not get any credit if:
The assignment is submitted after the due date.
The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
Strict action will be taken if submitted solution is copied from any other student or from the internet.
You should concern recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not sufficient.
You are supposed to submit your assignment in .doc format. Any other formats like scan images, PDF, zip, rar, bmp etc will not be accepted.
Question: Write a subroutine to calculate the sum of product of two series defined as:

S1: DW 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

S2: DW 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11

Provide snapshot of AFD debugger showing the final value in CX register.


MGT502 Organizational Behavior GDB No. 01

MGT502 Organizational Behavior GDB No. 01
Dear Students!
This is to inform that Graded Discussion Board (GDB) No. 01 will be opened on December 05, 2013 for discussion and last date for posting your discussion will be December 06, 2013.
This Graded Discussion Board will cover first 15 lessons.


MGT301 Principles of Marketing GDB NO.1 Solution Due date December 05, 2013

MGT301 Principles of Marketing GDB NO.1 Solution Due date December 05, 2013

Topic/Area for Discussion “Marketing Intelligence and Marketing Research”


For acquiring the relevant knowledge, do not rely only on handouts but also watch the course video lectures and read additional material available online or in any other mode.

Important Instructions:Your discussion must be based on logical facts.
The GDB will open and close on above specified date and time. Please note that no grace day or extra time will be given for posting comments on GDB.
Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
Your answer should be relevant to the topic i.e. clear and concise.
Do not copy or exchange your answer with other students. Two identical / copied comments will be marked Zero (0) and may damage your grade in the course.
Books, websites and other reading material may be consulted before posting your comments; but copying or reproducing the text from books, websites and other reading materials is strictly prohibited. Such comments will be marked as Zero (0) even if you provide references.
You should post your answer on the Graded Discussion Board (GDB), not on the Moderated Discussion Board (MDB). Both will run parallel to each other during the time specified above. Therefore, due care will be needed.
Obnoxious or ignoble answer should be strictly avoided.
You cannot participate in the discussion after the due date via email.
Questions / queries related to the content of the GDB, which may be posted by the students on MDB or via e-mail, will not be replied till the due date of GDB is over.
For planning your semester activities in an organized manner, you are advised to view schedule of upcoming Assignments, Quizzes and GDBs in the overview tab of the course website on VU-LMS.


Shahrukh Khan said that Hina Rabbani is very beautiful infront of her husband

Shahrukh Khan says Hina Rabbani is very beautiful infront of her husband and she started blushing.


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